If you are a current RPRS Member, you have access to a personal member account on our new website. Follow the steps below to access your account:
1. Visit https://rprs.org/login/ and click “Forgot Password” to begin the password reset process (Hint: your username is the email address with which you originally created your RPRS membership…if you are unsure which email is on file, please email Lisa@RaleighwoodMedia.com and she will gladly check for you).
2. You may need to check your spam folder for the password reset link that will be sent via email.
3. Once you reset your password, you will be able to log in and access member specific information (i.e. upcoming event information, industry-related news, and more)
If you have any issues or questions about the member accounts, please email Lisa@RaleighwoodMedia.com.
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